Saturday 24 November 2007

Japan VS Australia baseball at the Yahoo Dome.

My trip to the baseball yesterday was brilliant. The Yahoo Dome is really impressive from the outside but even moreso once you get yourself in there. We walked through one of the gates and the first thing that hits ouis the space-it's absolutely huge! There was a great atmosphere too, which I really enjoyed, especially as this was my first ever live sport event. I would like to try a football match back hom next, I think.
I glanced up at the roof, which is retractable, but in a dome shape, and thought how good it would have been to have seen it's movement as it opens-very futuristic! The Dome is also home to the WORLDS LONGEST BAR, which my other partner teacher, Michiyo, told me was CLOSED on that day! Boo hoo!! But that was OK, as it meant more baseball action.

The players were all announced (not all of them, funnily enough-just the good ones!) before trotting onto the pitch and standing for the anthems. then the game sarted, and after a bit of rule explantion from my partner teacher, Junko (cheers dear!) I kind of followed the game while getting progressively more drunk (thanks wandering guys with beer tanks on backs!) and everything was impressive-especially how well those guys can catch a ball.
Japan was losing at first, but then absolutely thrashed Australia by winning almost every round.

There were loads of kids making noise and bashing inflatable sticks together, and I somehow ended up with this photo of me and an unknown little boy who looks rather dubious about the whole situation (no wonder).

After the baseball, the folk who had to work today went back home and the rest of us went into Tenjin to Fubar, where Nat's fancy dress win as MC Hammer last Friday got most of us in for free,(thanks Nat!!).

After a quick dash over the road to the Craic and Porter for a cheeky pint of Guinness an a "hellooo" to Mike, the landlord, the rest of the evening went quite swimmingly (and drunkenly) in Fubar. I had a nice sleep in Double C's, we got up and about at one O'clock and then went to Doutour coffee shop for a hangover-happy coffee. Before I came ack to Kokura on the shinkansen, we went to Yodobashi and ogled at the toys for ages. I'm hoping to take my faulty camera back on Monday, lets see how that one pans out......exchanges in Japan??? EEEk!!

A precious day off spent rather well, I think.

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