Saturday 22 March 2008

Apartment Inspection....Passed!

My apartment was due to get it's second inspection on Thursday 2oth March, which was ALSO a National coincidences there-"if you must have a day off, we will do our best to scupper it! How dare you have fun?" Anyway, I got home on Wednesday night thinking a quick scrub and floor polish would do, but, I realised I had more on my hands than I thought.......

I finally finished glueing things, painting over wallpaper mould and marks and doing various patch-up jobs at 6AM! I was supposed to go to Hakata for farewell drinks that night, but there was no way I could have made it....I slept until 11am, an hour before they were due, and once it was over, I realised how over-worried I'd been about the whole thing....twenty minutes and everything was fine. My microwave plate was a problem, apparently, as it is stained with many many nights of dinners. So, I took it to my employers office, apparently to get it replaced free of charge.

I won't get personal about my company director, but her face was none too impressed when she learned that I'd been allowed to get a new plate at the cost of about a fiver....then she suggested that I simply swap it with another empty apartment's!!!! The phrase "Tight as a duck's &*#!" sprang to mind...Plus, I still have to live here for another week-how am I going to cook tea now my plate has been held hostage? Life is a minefield sometimes.......

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