Saturday 25 April 2009

Films You Can Only Watch Once/Films You Can Watch Again and Again Without Getting Bored

For reasons relating to comfort, relevance and the need not to see some things twice, here are some Films You Can Watch Only Once:

- This is England (I watched this just before getting on a train into Russia alone where I had never, ever been before. It did not lift my spirits or make me any less nervous, as anyone who has seen it will know).
- Passion of the Christ (We all know how this story ends)
- The Last King of Scotland (OW, OW, OW!! to the meat hook scene. Diiisgusting stuff.)
- Kes - (Too sad, too sad. That poor kestrel and his little Northern pal)
- Bad Taste (I didn't think I would ever see a film where someone drinks a bowl of vomit to fit in.)
- Battleship Potemkin (Russian propaganda in its finest form, but best for academic purposes. Hard work!)
- The Constant Gardener (Great film, needs only one viewing.)
- Don't Look Now (Actually, this is uncertain, because again, very arty and academic, but the ridiculous murderous dwarf is pretty watchable.)
- 3:10 To Yuma (Ungrateful little bugger, that kid is!)
- Return to Paradise (1998 version - This film enraged and engaged me for many many reasons, but the stooooopid love story ruins it's serious points)
- La Dolce Vita (Pretentious, intentionally, a bit too long also. But, I do realate a lot to Marcelo, even though he is a media-type ballbag.)

Films You Can Watch Again and Again:

- Wayne's World - (Both, either, all!!!)
- Sexy Beast - (Walkin' on the beaches, lookin' at the peaches.)
- Arthur - (I didn't know Dudley Moore could be so funny)
- Casablanca - (Oh, Rick, why did you do it?!?!?)
- Cabaret - (Every fashionista across the world owes something to Christopher Isherwood and Liza Minelli)
- Sin City (Assassins don't get boring!)
- The Jerk (HAHAHHAHAAAAAaaaa!!)
- The Darjeeling Limited (Beautifully shot, great soundtrack, amazing acting, relatable, gotta go back for more to think about things you didn't notice the first time around)
- Little Shop of Horrors (Feeeed me Seymaaw...)
- Gladiator (Ohhh, Joaquin Phoenix, you right bastard!)
- Bridget Jones' Diary (Sorry, but I am a girl afterall)
- Pretty Woman (See above)
- Casino (I hate Sharon Stone because she's such an embarassing idiot, but that room full of jewellery is amazing!)

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