Saturday, 25 April 2009

Annoying Things in Life

- When one headphone stops working
- Drivers who don't indicate until the last second or not at all
- Getting in the shower to find the soap is in the cabinet
- Rental DVDs being scratched halfway through the film
- People who stop moving when they get to the top of an escalator
- The word AWESOME
- Spitters and litter throwers (AAaAAAaaAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaAAAGHGHGHGHHHHHhhh! I'm gonna come to your house, spit on your carpet and stuff an empty happy meal carton into your mother's mouth!!!)

More to come, I'm sure.

- People who somehow think that revving their engines makes road-crossers move more quickly, though, for a brief moment, they have indisputable right of way. (Thanks Lorraine!)

1 comment:

Amazed said...

Can I add cars that rev their engines as you are crossing the road in front of them at traffic lights to that list?