Saturday, 25 April 2009

A Rant About the Word 'Awesome'

I am going to expain why I do not only dislike the word 'awesome' but also find it highly irritating.

I'm writing this largely pointless passage because I spend around nine to ten hours a day with someone who uses this word, without exaggeration, several times an hour.

As the person in question is quite a jolly and harmless and likeable chap, but because this word so often violates my earholes, I have some degree of pent-up annoyance which has to come out somewhere (thank you blog, even if you are largely pointless to all but me).

AWE - (my definition) Astounding, amazing, state of being absolutely dumbstruck by something almost inconcievably brilliant.

I always imagine someone being in a state of 'awe' as sitting/standing somewhere having been made gobsmacked and speechless by an inspiring occurence, such as an amazing opera, an impressive stunt, a million-dollar performance, a piece of stunning arcitecture, someone base jumping from a high cliff, discovering a new species of plant, etc...

SOME - In this case, a suffix used to convey the nature of the former word, e.g: troublesome, etc..

I think the word awe-inspiring is the nearest definition to awesome you can get.

SO, my work colleague, I would like to say this (not to your face, of course). It is NOT, I repeat, NOT awesome when - someone makes the tea, the boss suggests we buy a plant, client support solves a problem, the mail man comes, your coffee is the perfect shade of brown (true - he actually said this!), Jade Goody the Opera is announced, someone calls and it's for you, the internet connection is fast, it stops raining outside.

PS) While we're in this particular territory, could a certain someone who sits next to me every day please stop scraping their metal spoon against the side of their ceramic mug while eating their daily cup-a-soup?!?!?!?!? Thanks.

Disclaimer - Though 'awesome' is indeed an annoying, Americanised and over-used term on my desk at work, I would acually be gutted if said person ever read this and was upset by my meanness. Afterall, he's just trying to get through life cheerfully! Therefore, I would actually like to point out that this blog post does, in fact, not exist at all.

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